We Face Perilous Times… How We To Navigate These Days Has Eternal Consequences

Aug 28, 2024    Pastor Roger Redmond

It appears we are on the verge of a World War and possibly already in it. We see no leaders on the world stage capable of leading. Israel is being attacked from all sides with threats of annihilation, even from within America. From our own administration comes confusion, uncertainty, with no message of direction. But we have the promise of Jesus, I will come again and the presence of His Spirit within.

North Red Bank Baptist Church, a Free Grace Church, "Holding forth the Word of Life" as Remnant Believers, seeking to reach all people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect {mature} in Christ Jesus: We look at current events in light of Biblical truth with a prophetic perspective.